Pregnancy & Parenting Support

Support for Teen and Young Adult Parents

Healthy Families is a voluntary and free home-based family coaching program that supports young, first-time parents and helps them create stable, nurturing environments for their children. The program matches parents with trained professionals who visit families’ homes to provide support during pregnancy and the child’s first three years of life.

Home visitors teach parents about proper baby care, promote nurturing and effective parenting skills, and ensure parents have a solid understanding of healthy child development. They also counsel parents on achieving personal goals related to schooling, work, and housing.

Healthy Families Massachusetts is a statewide home visiting program available for first-time parents age 23 and under.  Healthy Families Massachusetts is a program of the Children’s Trust, and is implemented locally by MSPCC. Funding through the Massachusetts Home Visiting Initiative provides important service enhancements and supports to our proven home-visiting programming.

Learn more about Healthy Families here.


Parent Education and Social Support

MSPCC offers formal and informal education programs and opportunities to engage with other families in social gatherings throughout the state.  We provide specialized programs and support groups for mothers and fathers of children with mental health concerns, new mothers, grandparents raising grandchildren, and education and trainings on a range of topics of interest to all caregivers.

Parents As Teachers

Parents as Teachers builds strong communities, thriving families and children who are healthy, safe, learning and ready for school. Parents as Teachers is a national program that offers free parent education through personal visits and activities for all families that are expecting a child, to those with children up to the age of five years old, providing personal visits, group meetings, screenings, resources, and more. You can learn more about Parents As Teachers here

Early Intervention

Early Intervention (EI) programs help children from birth to three years of age who may have some delay in development, or who are at risk of delay due to family or environmental factors. Our teams of EI specialists can support your child’s development and growth with a hands-on, family-focused approach. Services are usually provided in the child’s home, child-care, or other community setting. We also offer child groups, parent groups, and music groups at our offices in Malden and Somerville. You can learn more about EI services here.

Family Resource Center

The Family Resource Center (FRC) in Everett welcomes people of all ages, incomes, and abilities.  Our skilled and thoughtful staff offers sensible solutions to families seeking health, safety, educational, and employment services. We help parents, children, and families find emotional support and practical assistance to succeed in life.

Staff helps families find resources regarding:

  • Housing support
  • Education
  • Utility assistance
  • Legal help
  • Summer camps, sports leagues, and more

The FRCs support families with youth who are at risk of needing court involvement (Child Requiring Assistance –CRA) because of their behaviors, including repeatedly running away, consistently skipping school, breaking curfew, or not following other reasonable rules established by a parent.

The School Liaison helps families with issues including:

  • Truancy
  • Absenteeism
  • Special Education
  • Behavioral issues
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April 3, 2025

Fairmont Copley Plaza

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